
Production Held

The production will definitely be held until next summer. Sorry. But due to Max's previous obligations, he will not be able direct properly.
This will also give us time to perfect our 3-D animation abilities.


Possible Podcast

On Friday and Saturday, Max, Joe, Lou and I will be getting together. Hopefully, we can make the final edits on the Sara Marsh draft #2. We'll try to record our get-together so we can put the podcast on the website. Follow Macnstrobe to see or hear the possible podcast on Friday and/or Saturday.

2nd draft

Well I'm about half-way done the second draft of ItMoSM. I now believe that this will be 90-120 minutes long. Bart and I will be creating a shooting schedule soon, which I hope will only be a six week schedule. Hopefully the final draft will be written on Saturday, so then we can finish up pre-production.


Max Finishes Second Act

Max has informed me that he has now finished the second act for the movie. He says it is about 30 minutes long.


Almost done the screenplay

While I try to figure out a few lines of dialogue, I figured I'd tell you guys how I'm doing on the screenplay. As of right now, I am half way done the first draft. If I can, I will have it done by the end of the week.

We will have a video announcement of the end of the writing process soon. (It will be here and on the Macnstrobe blog)

See ya.

First Act Finished

If you follow the Macnstrobe Films blog, then you might know that the first act of Into the Mind of Sara Marsh has been finished by Max Matthias. He has informed me that it is 8 minutes long, so that is definately a good start for the movie.


--Stanley Garrison